Thursday, December 8, 2022

Final Blog

    Technology today is an essential tool that we simply cannot avoid, it plays a crucial part in the majority of our daily life. It has developed beautifully into a tool to able to help us by solving problems, finding information, and making our lives easier. Looking back to what technology used to be and just what it's developed into within the past decade is incredible. Social media is now one of the kew developments used to communicate in this day and age. It's become extremely influential in this modern world we live in. Technology and social media are continuing to evolve every day into something bigger and better. However, like any powerful tool, it serves us both as a blessing and a curse. 

    Not too long ago, our world was turned upside down in an instant. The COVID-19 pandemic was a once in a lifetime experience that we were unfortunately apart of. As we were forced to lock down for months, we became dependent on social media and technology as our new form of communication. If we wanted any sort of interaction with people, technology is what we used. My senior year of high school was over, classes were via zoom, homework was digital, and contact was through text. Social media is what got us though this pandemic, it made staying at home bearable. The benefits of social media are not just limited to the lockdown. It offers a place for people to interact, share opinions, and grow their knowledge on whatever they want. 
    As someone who was fortunate enough to grow up with technology, I was able to experience a childhood without iPads and phones. I was allowed to play outside and socialize without the worry of social media. Now that social media is as prevalent as it is, I feel inclined to focus on the good that comes from using it. Social media promotes online communication and modern ways of learning. I believe it was created with good intentions, and unknowingly it has become an addiction. Almost 50% of the world's population uses social media actively today, 1.3 billion in fact. My friends and I can attest to overusing social media and admit feeling disconnected from the real world at times. I can also attest to feeling discouraged, sleep deprived, and anxious while using too much social media. However, that has never stopped me from cutting it out of my life. 
    It's become habit to pull out our phones in awkward situations or pretend to look through texts when impatiently waiting for something. Technology is what we use to pass the time. This habit is what can develop into what's called 'social anxiety'. When someone feels disconnected from what's around them, they use their phone to feel some type of temporary connection. Social anxiety is more than a shyness, it's a fear that affects daily activities, self-confidence, and relationships. 
    Human beings are naturally very social creatures. We rely on the companionship of others to thrive, and the strength of these connections has a major impact on our overall happiness and mental health. While many of us like using social media to stay connected, it's been proven that the excessive use can fuel feelings of anxiety, depression, FOMO, and isolation. I am constantly comparing myself to people I see on social media whether that be their looks, activities, or life in general. I know that social media is fake and people are always portraying their best selves online, however that doesn't stop me from comparing and making myself depressed. 
    According to statistics, 30% of Americans today in 2022 consider themselves addicted to social media which can lead to depressed, anxiety, and eating disorders. There is an increase in cases of depression and suicide among young social media users in the United States. This is believed to be because many teenagers and young adults feel disconnected from the people around them. There are more than just three or four mental illnesses caused by social media. Body dysmorphia has been identified as a result from manipulative traits portrayed online. It is so easy to fall down the wrong rabbit hole on social media which causes this exposure to things that won't benefit our mental health. 
    Although social media has its positives and numerous benefits to our world, it is important to remember it is possible to use it excessively. Technology is beneficial when used the right way and in moderation. The dark side of social media is being explored and discussed more and more and it shouldn't stop soon. Check in on yourself, take breaks, and experience the life that's in front of you. 

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Final Blog

    Technology today is an essential tool that we simply cannot avoid, it plays a crucial part in the majority of our daily life. It has dev...