Thursday, December 8, 2022

Final Blog

    Technology today is an essential tool that we simply cannot avoid, it plays a crucial part in the majority of our daily life. It has developed beautifully into a tool to able to help us by solving problems, finding information, and making our lives easier. Looking back to what technology used to be and just what it's developed into within the past decade is incredible. Social media is now one of the kew developments used to communicate in this day and age. It's become extremely influential in this modern world we live in. Technology and social media are continuing to evolve every day into something bigger and better. However, like any powerful tool, it serves us both as a blessing and a curse. 

    Not too long ago, our world was turned upside down in an instant. The COVID-19 pandemic was a once in a lifetime experience that we were unfortunately apart of. As we were forced to lock down for months, we became dependent on social media and technology as our new form of communication. If we wanted any sort of interaction with people, technology is what we used. My senior year of high school was over, classes were via zoom, homework was digital, and contact was through text. Social media is what got us though this pandemic, it made staying at home bearable. The benefits of social media are not just limited to the lockdown. It offers a place for people to interact, share opinions, and grow their knowledge on whatever they want. 
    As someone who was fortunate enough to grow up with technology, I was able to experience a childhood without iPads and phones. I was allowed to play outside and socialize without the worry of social media. Now that social media is as prevalent as it is, I feel inclined to focus on the good that comes from using it. Social media promotes online communication and modern ways of learning. I believe it was created with good intentions, and unknowingly it has become an addiction. Almost 50% of the world's population uses social media actively today, 1.3 billion in fact. My friends and I can attest to overusing social media and admit feeling disconnected from the real world at times. I can also attest to feeling discouraged, sleep deprived, and anxious while using too much social media. However, that has never stopped me from cutting it out of my life. 
    It's become habit to pull out our phones in awkward situations or pretend to look through texts when impatiently waiting for something. Technology is what we use to pass the time. This habit is what can develop into what's called 'social anxiety'. When someone feels disconnected from what's around them, they use their phone to feel some type of temporary connection. Social anxiety is more than a shyness, it's a fear that affects daily activities, self-confidence, and relationships. 
    Human beings are naturally very social creatures. We rely on the companionship of others to thrive, and the strength of these connections has a major impact on our overall happiness and mental health. While many of us like using social media to stay connected, it's been proven that the excessive use can fuel feelings of anxiety, depression, FOMO, and isolation. I am constantly comparing myself to people I see on social media whether that be their looks, activities, or life in general. I know that social media is fake and people are always portraying their best selves online, however that doesn't stop me from comparing and making myself depressed. 
    According to statistics, 30% of Americans today in 2022 consider themselves addicted to social media which can lead to depressed, anxiety, and eating disorders. There is an increase in cases of depression and suicide among young social media users in the United States. This is believed to be because many teenagers and young adults feel disconnected from the people around them. There are more than just three or four mental illnesses caused by social media. Body dysmorphia has been identified as a result from manipulative traits portrayed online. It is so easy to fall down the wrong rabbit hole on social media which causes this exposure to things that won't benefit our mental health. 
    Although social media has its positives and numerous benefits to our world, it is important to remember it is possible to use it excessively. Technology is beneficial when used the right way and in moderation. The dark side of social media is being explored and discussed more and more and it shouldn't stop soon. Check in on yourself, take breaks, and experience the life that's in front of you. 

EOTO - Online Influencers

    Over the last decade, we have seen social media grow rapidly in importance. Over 3.4 billion people actively use social media which is 45% of the world's population. Inevitably, these people are going to find influencers online at which they look up to helping guide them in their decision making. Social Media Influencers are individuals who have built a reputation for their knowledge on a specific topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings. These influencers can vary by number of followers, (mega, macro, micro, and nano) type of content, and level of influence. 

With almost everything, there are positive and negative sides to influencers. Some of the positives include expanding your audience reach, it builds trust, it's inexpensive, and brings in sales. By using an influencer to promote your brand or product, you're growing your audience and bringing in consumers you might've never reached before. This trust the influencer's audience has with the influencer is immediately transferred to you. You're piggybacking off of your desired influencer and gaining more views along with trust. Influencers vary, meaning it doesn't have to break the bank to promote your brand or product. Some influencers will take free products over money these days. Regardless, with the right people, you're likely to have an increase in sales. 

Some negatives of online influencers include working with the wrong influencer, losing control over your brand image, its high risk, and it can be hard to measure results. It is bad news for a brand to be associated with an influencer who ends up causing controversy. As a brand, you will have no influence over the influencers’ behavior. A perfect example is the unfortunate event with Johnny Depp. One day he was known for being the most well-rounded, kind, and successful actor and suddenly his life and reputation changed forever when his ex-called him out for being an ‘abuser.’ This was never true however his ties with all of his brands were cut off before winning the trial against his ex, claiming that none of what she said was true. Tracking and monitoring the performance of an influencer-led campaign can be very difficult. There’s lots to measure like engagements, clicks, likes, shares, and cost per engagement.

In a study done earlier this year of 1,500 people, 60% have bought something through the recommendation of an influencer. 74% of 18–24-year-olds rely on social media influencers, while only 24% of those over 55 do the same. When it comes to making a purchase, 90% of respondents of all ages would trust an influencer over a celebrity. This is predicted to be because of the relationships created between the influencer and follower. As an influencer, you show and tell a more personal side of your life, opinions, and thoughts. You respond to comments and interact with your followers while celebrities don’t have this type of relationship with their followers. This year, Kim Kardashian was sued for $1.3 million for promoting a ‘new cryptocurrency’ that actually was worth nothing. She promoted this one post on her Instagram story for $250,000. This is another example of why followers trust influencers’ opinions over celebrities. You truly never know if the person is promoting something they genuinely love or if they’re doing it for the money. It might be easier to tell when you have some sort of relationship with that person.

At the end of the day, we have the choice to follow and trust whoever we want. However, before trusting the words from anyone there are some steps we can take to prevent a negative outcome. Do research (aka a social media audit). This is a deep search into someone’s social media history. Stay mindful, regardless these influencers are getting paid for promoting something. Ensure your values align with who you follow. Lastly, remember people can switch up at any time which will ruin their reputation. Influencers are there for guidance, and shouldn’t be relied on completely.  

EOTO Response - Propaganda

    Propaganda in simple terms is the dissemination of information ranging from facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies to influence public information. Its main purpose is to influence people's opinions or active behaviors, rather than merely communicating facts about a certain topic. Heavy emphasis on manipulation, stopping casual conversation and the free and easy exchange of opinions. Propaganda was most frequently used in the 1930's through the 1940's which was the rise of the Second World War. 
    There are 7 main types of propaganda used today. 
(1) Name Calling - this is the idea using a harsh or unlikeable name to a group, it will then cause the audience to resent them. An example is like having an archenemy back in elementary school or a rival at work, if you've experienced a situation like this, you have both resorted to name calling. Name calling advertising is popular between two brands that are similar, needing to lure consumers from one side to another. (2) Glittering Personalities - using words and phrases that stand out to your audience. This is used to try and elicit a positive response or feeling. An example, "things go 'better' with Coke." The use of the word "better" is what triggers a positive response. However, do these products or services always do what they say? No. (3) Transfer - transferring the good or bad feelings you have associated with a brand or image. For example, communists referring themselves to themselves as a 'people's democracy.'

    (4) Testimonial - Using someone's name who is seen as knowledgeable or distinguished. Think of a doctor recommending you a medication or a dentist giving you advice, you wouldn't think twice about the information they were providing like you would if it was a stranger. (5) Plain-Folks - when one claims they are the same as other people or someone else. You can relate to more to the experiences of people like yourself. (6) Card-Stacking - true facts that are split with facts that make the propagandist look better. For example, adding lies to an otherwise true story. If you were at a job interview and the interviewer asks you to tell them about yourself. You wont lay negatives out on the table. (7) Bandwagon- the idea that because other people are doing something, you should be doing it too. It's similar to agreeing that a certain teacher was bad because the entire class thought so or going to a party because everyone else is deciding to go. 
    We've witnessed countless events throughout our history that have been a source of pain across the world which also held a very successful use of propaganda. Today, propaganda is replaced with digital visuals that are quickly and easily produced. The meme Pepe the Frog has been weaponized to spread misinformation throughout social media. These memes are shared by your family on Facebook, while they are intended to alter the viewers' thoughts subconsciously. 

    The dangers of propaganda revolve around our fast-paced culture which is full of people who are likely to believe everything they read online. As time goes on, it is harder to distinguish the truth from the lies. Now propaganda is no longer pushed to advance the good in the public, we must take the time to discern fiction from facts. We are not immune to propaganda. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Privacy, Online & Off

     Technology affects pretty much every aspect of the 21st century lifestyle. Transportation, healthcare, socialization, and even food are somehow effected by technology nowadays. It plays such a significant role that it's hard to even imagine a life without it. It was developed intended to benefit the world and its efficiency continues to improve. However, with every good side there is a bad. The innovation of technology has outpaced our privacy protections. Due to this, our digital footprint can be tracked and sold to the government regardless of our privacy preferences. After watching several Ted Talk videos offered to us, there is an immense amount of information regarding this issue. 

    A Ted Talk featuring Juan Enriquez compared our online life to a permanent tattoo. Tattoos are permanent, it's our choice to get them, and yet we still end up regretting them later. Online media is a  similar situation. Regardless of the privacy efforts we make online, there is always a way to get around it. Our information, especially our personal information is so valuable these days. Companies will have no problem selling it, that's how free business like Google make money. 
    Another Ted Talk featuring Cathrine Crump talks about how police departments were holding more than enough information on daily pedestrians. The cameras on highways were taking pictures of every single car that passed under it, not just cars that have done wrong. She compared this to the government using our online data. Trespassing our privacy wishes, the government is holding millions of data files on every one of us. 
    This news is incredibly unsettling to hear as someone who uses the internet daily, personally and for work. 
    I understand the idea the government has in keeping information for good reason, however I think it has crossed the line. There needs to be stronger privacy acts to protect our rights as citizens. We deserve to have the freedom of using the internet and new technology without the fear of being tracked. The government should implement and enforce stronger privacy practices for the safety of their people. Our information is being shared beyond our permission.
    As a user of technology, we can also take steps in the right direction to protect ourselves. Updating passwords regularly, stop oversharing on social media, and consider additional protection. Technology is not going away, it is only growing, which is why it is important to take personal action to protect ourselves. With technology, less is more. The less you use it, the less you post, the less chance you have of having your information exploited. 

    Although online privacy sounds impossible, there are small steps that can be taken which will lead to a greater outcome. We have to be careful and take more consideration of what we post online. No matter what is posted, archived, or deleted, there is always a way to get it back. You don't know who is watching and technology is only going to get stronger. As long as this information about our online privacy not being so private spreads enough, measures can be taken to protect us. 

Living in the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence also known as (AI) refers to the development of human intelligence in computer
systems that are programmed to perform human tasks. This is frequently used when technology mimic human actions such as speech translations, decision making, and deep learning. This could be a robot from a program that recommends clothes to you based on previous purchases you've made. 
    I believe there are positives and negatives to everything in life especially in the aspect of new technology. Everyday technology is growing and becoming smarter and smarter. So far this innovation has generally brought good things and made our lives easier, there's also a huge risk and jeopardizes humans. This documentary, "In the age of AI," provides a clear demonstration of just how strong artificial intelligence is and how it's changing our lives significantly.

   After watching the documentary, I learned an incredible amount of information. A big moment was what was called the "Sputnik Moment." This was a period in time when the public found out and feared the technology gap between the United States and Soviet Union. The government had just realized the importance of A.I. and how it will impact our future in a positive way. China was trying to catch up to us with their A.I. technology which created tension and competition.
   The U.S. is known to be ahead of the game, always up to date on the latest technology. However, the documentary showed how quickly China is operating their technology. It's interesting to see how differently the U.S. and China work at the same thing with the same goal. 
    Yes, technology has improved our world and will continue to do so until it can do no more good. However, it is concerning to think about how quickly technology is growing and how will we know when enough is enough to stop. People have been asking for years, "will technology be so powerful we won't need to work anymore?" or "will humans even be needed anymore if A.I. is smart enough to take over the world?" As a social media and communications major, I've had many discussions regarding this topic. Our belief is that Artificial Intelligence will only grow us much as we allow it to. There is a special line that won't be crossed in order for humans to be relevant to the world. We build and created A.I. to benefit us, not replace us. Yes, it's scary to think of the worst like if A.I. becomes too smart. But, I don't believe we will let it get to that point. 
    A.I. is going to continue to grow everyday as long as we allow it to. As these changes are happening, it's important for us as humans to adapt with it. Remind ourselves this is here to benefit us, not harm us. Change doesn't have to be scary, change can be good. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Diffusion Theory

    According to the Wikipedia article we were given to read through, "diffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and what rate new ideas and technology spread." Everett Rogers popularized this theory and proposed there are five main elements to influence the spread of a new idea. The five main elements include the innovation itself, adopters, communication channels, time, and a social system. The product must be widely adaptable in order to sustain itself. 

    The iPhone was invented and released in the United States in late June 2007 by Steve Jobs. In the first two days, around 270,000 iPhones sold and by early September, sales topped one million. Steve Jobs had already made Apple a well known company with its iPod and Mac, which is why many people had trust and interest in this new invention. The Blackberry was one of the most popular phones before the iPhone. It consisted of a keyboard, some sliding, and a large screen. Before the iPhone there had been no device like it. 
    The early adopters were ready to try something new and were probably already Apple users. This group would be part of the early 270,000 iPhone customers. Word of mouth is a huge way of sharing information or news especially in the early 2000's. Social media didn't really become popular until 2010 and then it took time for people to grow trust in the media. The early and late majority are the most popular groups in the diffusion theory. This group of people would be considered the later one million customers. 
    The laggards were really missing out on a great piece of technology, and they probably learned the heard way. This would assume to be people afraid of change or comfortable with the technology they already had. The younger population is usually more susceptible to change and experience new technologies. As far as the older population, they would stick with what they're comfortable with. 

     This theory helps marketers understand how trends occur and helps companies assess the likelihood of failure or success in their products. The diffusion theory will remain in use for as long as companies and products are being produced. 

Monday, November 14, 2022


 The radio is a way of sound communication by radio waves, which can usually be transmitted through news, music, and broadcast stations for individual listeners who have radio receivers. 

    The first practical wireless radio was invented in Italy by an Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi in 1895. From 1920 through 1945, the radio took the world by storm. This new hobby grew tremendously before World War I. People could listen in with their earphones and get immediate news and updates which left listeners in awe. The PCGG was the name of one of the world's first radio broadcast services which began in the Netherlands in 1919. 
    The radio gained such a widespread of use that people pulled back from the use of the phonograph, which was also known as a "record player." Cassette tapes and compact discs were introduced. People could finally listen and enjoy music or news from their home or even walking on the streets. They no longer needed to pay to watch a live show or go see shows in the theatre to listen to music. Not just music alone, but comedy programs, broadway singers, and religious programs. This service constituted in the competitive threat between the radio and the television. 
    The radio was a huge historic mark and continues to be used today nearly 100 years later. 

Final Blog

    Technology today is an essential tool that we simply cannot avoid, it plays a crucial part in the majority of our daily life. It has dev...