Saturday, December 3, 2022

Living in the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence also known as (AI) refers to the development of human intelligence in computer
systems that are programmed to perform human tasks. This is frequently used when technology mimic human actions such as speech translations, decision making, and deep learning. This could be a robot from a program that recommends clothes to you based on previous purchases you've made. 
    I believe there are positives and negatives to everything in life especially in the aspect of new technology. Everyday technology is growing and becoming smarter and smarter. So far this innovation has generally brought good things and made our lives easier, there's also a huge risk and jeopardizes humans. This documentary, "In the age of AI," provides a clear demonstration of just how strong artificial intelligence is and how it's changing our lives significantly.

   After watching the documentary, I learned an incredible amount of information. A big moment was what was called the "Sputnik Moment." This was a period in time when the public found out and feared the technology gap between the United States and Soviet Union. The government had just realized the importance of A.I. and how it will impact our future in a positive way. China was trying to catch up to us with their A.I. technology which created tension and competition.
   The U.S. is known to be ahead of the game, always up to date on the latest technology. However, the documentary showed how quickly China is operating their technology. It's interesting to see how differently the U.S. and China work at the same thing with the same goal. 
    Yes, technology has improved our world and will continue to do so until it can do no more good. However, it is concerning to think about how quickly technology is growing and how will we know when enough is enough to stop. People have been asking for years, "will technology be so powerful we won't need to work anymore?" or "will humans even be needed anymore if A.I. is smart enough to take over the world?" As a social media and communications major, I've had many discussions regarding this topic. Our belief is that Artificial Intelligence will only grow us much as we allow it to. There is a special line that won't be crossed in order for humans to be relevant to the world. We build and created A.I. to benefit us, not replace us. Yes, it's scary to think of the worst like if A.I. becomes too smart. But, I don't believe we will let it get to that point. 
    A.I. is going to continue to grow everyday as long as we allow it to. As these changes are happening, it's important for us as humans to adapt with it. Remind ourselves this is here to benefit us, not harm us. Change doesn't have to be scary, change can be good. 

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